Saturday, 31 August 2013

House of Teeth by Craig Caudill.

House of Teeth is a short story of just 286 KB and it was written in 2012. This eBook is a creepy tale of 2 characters who meet over the internet. It has a lovely dark humour that lets the reader form their own opinion of the characters. Slowly you understand that Phil might not be all he claims and the alarm bells start ringing.

I enjoyed reading this short story as it was real quirky. This tale was focused towards an end where you thought you knew what was coming but there is a twist. Okay, this story could do with some proof reading to tidy the text but it is still a good read and I vote it 4 stars.

Craig has taken some risks with the subject matter as some readers may find the plot a little uncomfortable. The shock value is eased with the excellent humour and at the end you can see the funny side of this tale. There is also a good social message and perspective for you to take away before you move on to your next book.

Friday, 30 August 2013

The Girl in the Window by Blind Cupid.

This is a very short story of just 95 KB that has been written in 2013. It is a first person erotic tale of a woman living alone. She welcomes the reader into her world.

I really enjoyed this tiny eBook as it was so refreshing. The writing is intelligent and adult. It explores peoples' relationship with voyeurism and the two way traffic sought by exhibitionists. She illustrates the casual wonder we all have when we glance at strangers near an open window. There is a voyeur in each of us and she tells us exactly why. The Girl in the Window is a story of hope. A hope that both the exhibitionist and the voyeur will meet, that they both understand that there is a chance of being there for each other.

The Girl in the Window is a fantasy that is expertly told. It is not a lads' mag cheap and vulgar story. It is a thinking man's dream, a dream of wonder that I get when I take my dog out into our garden at night and glance towards my neighbour's window. Blind Cupid understands the psychology behind peoples' innocent fantasies and has woven that into this sexy little tale.

The Girl in the Window is a great showcase to present the talent of this author in writing a bright and refreshing erotic story in a clear and intelligent adult style. I can find nothing wrong with this short story and I vote it the top score of 5 stars.

Saturday, 24 August 2013

False gods: the ecstasy by Cy Black.

23 year old Natasha Flynn is a new graduate recruit to a London bank. Thrust into a new job and knowing nobody, Natasha meets Sebastian Butler and they fall in love.

This 688 KB eBook was written in 2013 and it is a love story. There is romance in the air as Natasha clearly enjoys herself at work and at play. Natasha only has eyes for Sebastian but she does get involved with 3 other men. Natasha is not a likeable character as she is a free loader. Natasha spends a lot of time with men eating and drinking but NOT ONCE does she put her hand in her purse and pay for anything!

The author tries hard with this novel. The characters are well developed and the vocabulary is extensive. The plot has lots of detail and a very clear picture is painted of what is going on. However the writing is tiresome as it describes at great length peoples' eyes and hair. Setting the scene is one thing but these long winded descriptions are a real drag. This author shows promise by using a rich vocabulary but is gravely let down by a total lack of storytelling ability. A good storyteller hooks the reader into the tale that grips their imagination. False Gods is a very easy novel to put down as it is about as interesting as listening to pleasantries from a supermarket check out girl - okay in passing but not the subject of a whole book.

There is some sex and drug use in this novel but nothing to get excited or offended about. Basically it is a long tale about flirting, courting and eating out, where Natasha never pays a penny but has a good time.

I did not enjoy reading False Gods, I thought it was a drag. False Gods fails to entertain and becomes a bore. There is no thrill or surprise when you plough through this story.This book can be a warning to men about women being a prick tease while all they want is a paid-for night out. The author always refers to Natasha as the heroine but I can think of a better name to describe her more honestly!

Natasha plays the field and at the end Sebastian goes on holiday without her, promising to let her know which way their relationship will go on his return. So this novel has an inconclusive and bad ending that invites the reader to buy the follow-on book.

I will not be following on with the free loading adventures of Natasha and hope that she has a lonely life in her Notting Hill bedsit with it's shared bathroom. I vote False Gods only 2 stars and suggest readers give it a MISS.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Entangled (A Vice Game novel) by Alice Cooper.

Phoebe Walters is walking home in the rain when she spots a teenage girl ready to jump off a bridge to kill herself. Phoebe saves Anna from committing suicide and meets her handsome brother Tristan. But the story does not end there because Phoebe becomes entangled in Anna and Tristan's strange family.

Entangled is a fine story that is written in the first person. Phoebe is a kind hearted 23 year old woman and this book is about love. It explores the very different kinds of love that people can share with one another. It is also about hope and the old adage of love will find a way.

Alice Cooper develops her characters well in this novel. I quickly found a warmth for Phoebe, Anna and Tristan. All families have histories and secrets, this family is no different. Entangled shows how a family can struggle when things change and members push their own agendas.

I enjoyed reading this book because of it's tremendous warmth. The storyline progresses at a good pace and there is plenty going on. I got to the end and I thought "Ah! That's nice".

Proof-reading was missing from this novel which is available as a 293 KB eBook. These word errors took some of my enjoyment away from this book as my brain made sense of the puzzled words. Alice Cooper even designed the cover herself and misspelled the title as Entagled. This novel was written in 2013 and although there are some sex scenes, they are rather tame and should not offend your grandmother.

Entangled is an okay read and I vote it 3 stars. It is a pleasing read that rolls along and is great for a beach holiday, where love for you, may be in the air.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Dark Beach by Lauren Ash.

Jenny goes on holiday with her husband Ron, their daughter Kip and their dog Charlie to stay in a beach house at Rocky Shores.

With a title of "Dark Beach" and a moody start to this novel, you hope for an exciting mystery. WRONG. This is a moody tale of a pregnant woman on holiday. Sometimes you go on holiday and you wonder why other tourists actually bother to go away. Well with Jenny and Ron droning on about the beach house, you just want them to pack up and go home so that you can read an entertaining novel instead.

Dark Beach is a poor read. It does not entertain but just drones on with it's hints of forgotten mystery surrounding the beach house. Dark Beach is all promise and very little action. I developed no empathy for any of the characters. This book was a drag to read and I hoped it would improve towards the end but it just droned on. The ending was disappointing in the extreme.

I took nothing away from this book except that I am glad I am not married to a boring woman like Jenny. Dark Beach is available as a 291 KB Amazon Kindle eBook that was written in 2012. Thankfully I obtained a free download and did not pay for this very poor attempt at a novel. Lauren Ash does not have the skill for storytelling and I vote her book only 2 stars.

Monday, 12 August 2013

CCTV Blue(s) by Brian Martin.

Mark Watson works behind the scenes viewing live CCTV screens in a control room. His job is to help with UK airport security and if he sees anything dodgey, he has to alert a supervisor. Then those CCTV images are saved, filed and appropriate action is taken. CCTV Blue(s) is Mark's story as this book reveals what goes on behind the scenes and the effect it has on the CCTV operators.

Mark is on the watch for three activities. Drugs, money and sex. As the story unfolds the reader learns about how security systems work in our airports and the targets the operators are looking for. Much of their work is monitoring the mundane movement of ordinary, innocent travellers. Occassionally the operators chance upon something of interest and they alert their supervisor.

CCTV Blue(s) asks the questions about why Britain has become the most monitored nation on our planet. It attempts to show what hidden agendas may be at play by both our government and the commercial companies running these security operations. This book shows the culture where everyone is a suspect and are closely monitored with access-all-areas cameras. Everybody is viewed with suspicion, the general public and staff alike.

Mark has a life outside of work and part of this book is about how his work affects his spare time, family and friends. The plot rolls on and relationships develop. This book is not soley about how CCTV is used but that people have a life beyond those 2 dimensional images.

Many travellers are caught on the CCTV cameras by Mark. These incidents are amusing and demonstrate the wonderful diversity we share within our society. None of these incidents are shocking or offensive and the title of CCTV Blue(s) is a little bit of a tease. The sex scenes are very tame and this is NOT an erotic novel.

This book draws to an end that enables the reader to form their own opinion of CCTV surveilence in our country and how those images are saved or used. I think it is good that Brian Martin has written this book as the general public can be blissfully unaware of how
much power is being developed under the guise of protection. All companies and governments claim that CCTV is for our protection but many people know that there is a hidden agenda. CCTV Blue(s) is a cautionary tale as Britain sleepwalks into a Big Brother society.

I really enjoyed reading this book that is available as a 399 KB Amazon Kindle eBook. It is bang up to date with it's focus as it was written in 2013 and mentions the American Prism program. CCTV Blue(s) is a good book and I vote it 4 stars.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Beautiful Force by Ella Quinn.

Allison is a sex psychotherapist and tries to help her patients while pleasing her own desires. This is the story about control and how sometimes men have the upper hand but at others it is women who hold all the cards.

This novel starts off with such promise, maybe exploring the work of a sex psychotherapist and the many problems the patients present. Peoples' sexual lives differ greatly and we can all be voyeurs as we wonder what goes on behind closed doors. Maybe this book will reveal some of those secrets and present answers to problems within sexual relationships.

WRONG. Beautiful Force is one of the worse books that I have read. There are just two main characters, Allison the sex psychotherapist and Channing a patient. It does cover Allison's relationship with her father and other patients plus their spouses.

Ella's writing is dreary and all her characters ramble on in long boring conversations. The sessions of psychotherapy drone on and on. There is very little action, it is unrealistic and simply a tease that Allison may be some wonderful sex guru who takes her patients litterally in her own hands to cure their problems. Will her patients who have lost their libido turn on her with animalistic desire or will the reader fall asleep in an armchair? If you think this novel could be a sexual turn on, think again because it is like counting sheep.

Beautiful Force could not even class as erotic. What sex there is appears pedestrian and vanilla. There is no plot as such although the ending is no great surprise as Ella has drip thread the possibilities from the very start when she dedicated her book to having a second chance. I do not suggest you give Beautiful Force one chance but give it a MISS. I took nothing away from this book and will not be reading another of Ella Quinn's novels.

Beautiful Force is 298 KB of waffle that is an absolute bore that was written in 2012. It is like listening to one side of a conversation on a mobile telephone as a passenger on a coach drones on and on for the whole goddamn journey.