This book claims to focus on dozens of interviews with real people involved in the Swinging lifestyle. What you get is an orgy of bad writing.
Jennifer tells her stories in the manner of a person speaking English as a second language. Every paragraph is written with a strong Hispanic accent and this whole book has a very Latin feel. Her stories are told in a very rambling way and it is all a muddle for the reader to digest. She does not use punctuation and only very rarely does she employ double inverted commas/quotation marks. Her characters do not talk in the normal manner of “this person said” but always “that person stated” - this stated X and stated Y got really annoying. Jennifer has not proof read her script as there are lots of errors which make reading her book a chore. There are many scenes of sex between multiple partners and they all get into a jumble. She talks about one character doing one sex act as part of a group activity only to get the names of who is doing what mixed up. Coupled to this she even gets the gender mixed up in places and women grow bits they were never born with!
The writing of this book is lazy and the focus is lost. Some tales are told in an interview fashion but then switch without warning into a first person narrative. Others start in the first person but then become a free for all between the characters. When Jennifer describes a holiday location, she gives the impression she has copy/pasted a holiday brochure because the heavy Hispanic accent and broken English have suddenly gone. Each of her tales of Swinging activity are rather monotonous with lots of licking and stroking. You move onto the next tale and it is more of the same with yet more licking and stroking. Character development is totally missing and all the people are like dogs in the park. I could not relate to this book and I did not find it erotic at all. Nothing was exciting and this book was just a long list of lick and stroke.
Secret Society Extreme Pleasures is NOT an erotic novel and I found it very dull. Nothing made me excited or made me smile. Writing good erotic literature is a skill and clearly Jennifer does not have the skills to be an erotic story teller. Her book is boring and repetitive rubbish that I am very glad was a free download. I can only give her book the minimum score of 1 star as I feel this book is a big FAIL.
Secret Society Extreme Pleasures is available as an Amazon Kindle eBook and was written in 2013.