Follow Gizem, a young woman in Egypt, as she copes in times of riches and poverty.
This book started off in the present day when Gizem is successful making me wonder where this story would go. Unfortunately it went downhill all the way from there. She was born into a rich family and I enjoyed the sections about the Arab Spring and the Egyptian Revolution but then Gizem was thrown into poverty and this novel became a great drag. This story bumbled along with a dull, soap opera lack of quality style. Then Gizem meets a character called Iblis and the focus turns to him. This POOR novel then turned into a load of suspicious nonsense. I read it to the end but it got no better and was a real drag. Gizem was not even mentioned again and this sad tale did not have a proper ending.
Gizem was badly written with appalling grammar, bad editing and had clearly not been proof-read. It was tiresome reading so many words that a spellchecker would not catch but made no sense as part of that sentence. I get far better English spoken to me from passengers for whom English is a second language.
I did not enjoy reading Gizem and think it is a book to AVOID. I vote this sorry novel the lowest score of just 1 star as I feel it is such a BIG FAIL.
Gizem is available as an Amazon Kindle eBook and was written in 2017.