Saturday 3 November 2012

The screen breaks.

I have had my Amazon Kindle since February 2011 and have been very pleased with it. I think it is a great device with a wonderful design.

However, when I turned it on the other day the screen had black lines across it. I wondered what had gone wrong as it looked like the screen saver image had not been cleared from the display. I tried to get rid of these lines by doing obvious things like flicking pages, going to the home screen, opening other books, turning the Kindle off and on plus even trying a reset procedure. All to no avail as the black lines across the screen remain.

A quick search on the internet shows that I am not the only person to have a faulty Amazon Kindle screen. This fault is rather common as the device gets older. I have had my Kindle for 20 months and have read a total of 30 books on it, in that time. I wondered what to do and because this appears to be a common failing with the e-ink display on the Kindle, I decided not to buy a replacement Kindle. Any books you purchase from Amazon are archived on their servers and you can re-download them at no charge to another device.

Fortuneately I have a Samsung Galaxy Tablet, so I downloaded all my Amazon Kindle ebooks to it the other night. I like the idea of a Kindle but the failing of the e-ink screen has put me off the device and I shall never buy another one. I like ebooks and prefer them to paperbacks, for the obvious reasons. I love being able to carry my library around on my tablet computer and the Kindle Android app is a very good program. The Kindle app is a good solution to this problem and I will stick with it on my tablet.

I am still a fan of Kindle ebooks and will continue to buy more in the future as it is my drug of choice.

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