Wednesday 8 May 2013

Just One Look by Harlan Coben.

The rear cover of this book reads...

Grace Lawson is living a happy, straightforward life in the suburbs with her husband, Jack, and two young children. But then Grace picks up a set of holiday snaps, amongst which is a faded shot she doesn't recognise of her husband as she never knew him. Within twelve hours, Jack has disappeared and a brutal hitman is stalking his family.

...This is a stand alone novel although it does have links to the Myron Bolitar series. The writing style is the same. Just One Look has 386 pages and was published in 2004. This novel is a thriller that is entertaining and has a good pace and structure. Harlan is great at creating suspicion about all the characters and has you guessing who is the real villain here? You can try and work things out from the clues or simply enjoy the ride as Grace finds the truth behind the photo. This book has a great plot and it is a great story that is a pleasure to read. Harlan is very good with the detail and those little details are important because everything has consequences. At the end of this book you think "WOW!".

Just One Look is very good and I can find nothing wrong with it, so I will be voting it the maximum of 5 stars on Goodreads. If you ever wanted to know how to stop a woman from talking on a car journey, then turn to page 316...

She kept peppering him with questions - where is my husband, what do you want with us - but he continued to ignore her. When they reached a stoplight, the man did something that she did not expect.
He rested his hand on her knee.
'Your leg was damaged,' he said.
Grace was not sure how to respond to this. His touch was light, almost feathery. And then without warning his fingers dug down with steel talons. They actually burrowed beneath the kneecap. Grace buckled. The tips of the man's fingers disappeared into the hollow where the knee meets the shinbone. The pain was so sudden, so enormous, that Grace could not even scream. She reached out and grabbed his fingers, tried to pry them out of her knee, but there was absolutely no give. His hand felt like a concrete block.
His voice was barely a whisper. 'If I dig in a little more and then pull...'
Her head was swimming. She was close to losing consciousness.
'...I could tear your kneecap right off.'
When the light turned green, he let go. Grace nearly collapsed in relief. The whole incident had probably taken less than five seconds. The man looked at her. There was the smallest hint of a smile on his face.
'I'd like you to stop talking now, okay?'
Grace nodded.
He faced forward. 'Keep driving.'

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