Friday 18 October 2013

Panguya by L. Arouet.

Cathy Grey walks across a road in London and BUMP! She had not seen the car and got knocked over. When Cathy recovered from her accident, she found herself sat on a hillside overlooking a city. Cathy did not know where she was, so walked down to find out why she was no longer in London.

The start to this novel really makes you feel lost and uncomfortable, just like Cathy. She finds the city is called Panguya, everybody speaks English but nobody has heard of London. Cathy needs to find out what has happened and how to get back to London. Is Cathy actually dead and Panguya a kind of afterlife?

Well, you will need a lot of time to find out as this is a long, rambling tale. Panguya is available as a 692 KB Amazon Kindle eBook that was written in 2013. Panguya is a long novel and takes a long time to read.

Unfortuneately Panguya is not an enjoyable read. The author rambles on at great length about the weather, light and shadows, architecture and people's faces. This book is a drag and I developed no empathy for Cathy. All Cathy did was potter about and talk to a few people. It was like a holiday for her as she did no work, yet people gave her money and places to stay. I would start another chapter and Cathy was still pottering about as the author droned on about the weather. I wondered if Cathy was on a life support machine in hospital and was dreaming of a make believe world called Panguya. If that was the case, I hoped someone would switch off her life support so that I could move onto a better novel. When the Crief would this story end?

I thought Panguya was a bad book and it is a novel to AVOID. I shall vote it the minimum of 1 star as it was a real bore to read. Cathy continued to potter about Panguya right to the very end. The ending was in character with the rest of this novel, very disappointing. This author failed to entertain me and I think Panguya is a waste of time.

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