Tuesday 6 October 2015

The Synagogue of Satan by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock.

This book really makes you think as you remember all those little whispers people have said to you over the years about the Jews. Andrew has done a tremendous amount of research to write his book about the many conspiracies involving the Jews. I like the way Andrew has chosen to write his book in chronological order from 740 to 2011. You build up an understanding not only about the dirty tricks that Jews employ but also how the world actually works as the strings are pulled behind the scenes.

This book lifts the lid on the conspiracies and details how the public has been duped. It includes the complete Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion which is a big scoop as the Jews do not want the general public to know their plans for world domination.

This is a thrilling book to read because of the way it develops. You learn how the Jews have played their game and how the public have been taken in by their lies and manipulations. Then you discover how the world actually works and how it has been shaped to the gross advantage of the Jews. At the end of the book you are left to draw your own conclusions on democracy, money and the Jews. This book will give the reader a big shock as to how our society has grown due to pressure from the Jews and I felt a lot wiser when I got to the end.

Andrew has written a very good book which enlightens the reader big time. It is easy reading and easy to understand. There are no dull bits in his book but a lot of surprises. The chronological format Andrew has chosen for his book is right, you know exactly where in the time frame you are and how far it is to the end. Then I remembered all those news stories I had read over the past 30 years as they patch in with Andrew’s book. All my suspicions and wonders are answered by the time I got to the end of this book, which is a genuine 5 star read. Thanks to Andrew for also highlighting just how unrepresentative the 2 party system democracies in America and Britain truly are. Thanks to Andrew for writing such a good, informative and entertaining book, 5 stars from me mate!

The Synagogue of Satan is available as an Amazon Kindle eBook and was updated, expanded and published in 2012, as the original was published in 2006.

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